You’ve all seen them probably, these celebrity cutouts people decorate their rooms with, from their favorite Popstars, Dictators and so on…

And I thought about ordering exactly one of those. A Jeff Kaplan Cutout that brings joy and comfort into my room, while watching over me during my sleep (there’s no official one, but there are sites that make custom ones out of PNGs). Having a Jeff Kaplan Cutout in your room is something I’d think the average Joe would be able to take pride in any day of the week. There just is something oddly majestic about it if I do so say so myself, though I can’t really put my finger onto why that is.

Though lately I’ve been beginning to think about if doing so would be creepy or weird, considering that Jeff is no Popstar, but an ordinary man who happened to be Jeff from the Overwatch Team and an outstanding Gameforum Keyboard-Warrior of the ancient times.

If hypothetically I were to invite Jeff into my room for a respectable cup of tea with that cutout standing in the corner of my room, could I do so in a professional and seamless manner? I am not so sure if I am being honest here.

Seriously, put yourself in my shoes for a second and think about that scenario, it is not that simple, it really isn’t… I mean on the one side, Jeff was ok with sitting for display in a chair to be streamed to the entire Internet, for a whole eternity. So you’d may argue that he wouldn’t think bad of it. But would he realistically not be weirded out by someone having a custom made cutout of him standing in their room? I’m honestly thinking that this kind of worshipping cult that the Overwatch community has become is the reason Jeff called it a day and left us “to go buy some milk real quick”.

I know that this is a wild thing to throw out there, but honestly it makes a lot of sense. As a community us Overwatch People have stopped enjoying the game since Season 3, which was nine years ago. So you should ask yourself what motivated the rest of us to actually still somewhat remain in this community even though at this point the game seems to be universally seen as torture by all of us? It’s not the new content that’s for sure, it’s more likely that we unconciously have turned into a cult following of Jeff Kaplan of the Overwatch team, instead of Overwatch itself.

Seriously, just look at the announcement of Jeff leaving Blizzard! An actual Overwatch fan would’ve cried tears of joy that the game that has been on a continuous downwards trend lost the guy you’d make responsible for all the faults of Overwatch, as he was the face of the game (“Jeff pls fix”). Instead People started crying that the only thing keeping them here left them for good (I would know, I was one of them). We aren’t upset that Jeff left, the thesis that this would lead Overwatch to its death is awfully far-fetched, especially when it’s already been dying for the past four years.

I am just really unsure at this point, this is a serious predicament for me that I can’t seem to solve on my own. So if you have any takes on this please let me know. Philosophical approaches are highly apreciated, let’s solve climate change while we’re at it! (only if possible though)

**TL;DR : I’ve gone insane**