‟Tommy. Tommy look at me. Don’t turn around. I said don’t turn around. Keep your eyes right on me.”‟D-daddy?”‟Now come towards me Tommy. Directly towards me. Faster than that Tommy. A little faster Tommy. FASTER TOMMY RUN TOMMY–JESUS CHRIST! Oh Jesus God almighty Tommy!”The Not-Barney moves quickly, so quickly.‟Daddy my legs!”The creature fixes its small unblinking eyes on the father while it eats. Its throat moves and the boy disappears up to his armpits in its soft mouth. Tommy looks at his assailant and lets out a weak cry.‟Look at me, son. Just look at me! I’m here! I love you! We all love you! You were such a good boy. I’m so sorry! What did…what did we do in the summer, son? We all went to the beach, did not we? What did we do at the beach?”‟We built…a castle…”‟And did the sun shine that day? Was it a good day? Can you remember the sun on your face?”‟It was…the best day…ever. No monsters. Everyone…was there. I’m tired…”The creature leans back holding its heaving belly. The boy’s arms fold upwards and his face flushes beet red. His eyes roll and shut.‟It’s okay to sleep son. Sleep on the hot sand. I will be there when you wake up.”‟Hot…sand…”Then Tommy’s sweet face is gone and the creature heaves again, its huge throat bobbing as Tommy’s hands slip past its teeth and into the dark. It makes a shucking, wheezing sound that might be laughter, then fakes a sluggish dash towards the father, who leaps back, grasping at his hip for the gun he lost a week ago. Then it grins and turns, its fat wrinkled tail dragging behind it. ‟Happy. Family. Happy. Family.”