The McCains were probably the biggest crime family in the world when John McCain was alive. His reptilian blood line can be traced back to the Rothschilds. From smuggling drugs, pedophilia, and dealing weapons to the cartels, McCain rivals Stalin’s evil, only one is a “war hero,” the other is a dictator. The “war hero” is worse because most of us didn’t know just how evil that menace was. Ever wonder why we have been in Afghanistan for so long? Hint: it’s not for oil, or Osama Bin-laughin in the basement of the Pentagon. The poppy plant (HEROIN) grows in abundance over there. He’s a Jesuit who has ties to the Royal Death Racket. Ever wonder why during special occasions the Royals always wear the poppy flower on their jackets? He actually became addicted when he befriended the leader of the POW camp. From then on, his role in drug smuggling made Pablo Escobar look like a pimp filling his trap. .

Not to mention faking his time at the POW. He was treated like a king for giving up highly secretive intelligence that resulted in the death of Americans. He was the shadow president behind all 8 years of Obama’s administration. Meaning, he called the shots and Obama told the American people that we are there to spread peace. This is why a bomb was dropped every 47 minutes of Obama’s administration. The most of any president BY FAR! Ever wonder why he died right after Obama left office? He was executed for war crimes. Check out the wrinkled flag they draped over his coffin. He cheated on his first wife to marry into the biggest crime family in Arizona; The Hensleys. I could keep going but I won’t. He got what he deserves and hopefully he ended up finding a special place in hell where he will rot for an eternity. Satan, please save a spot there for his cunt wife as well.