Remember how you deleted all of your comments after I disproved every comment of yours? After you realized that a kid (you called me a kid, after scrolling trough all of my comments to find something to attack me with, because I commented once on r/teenagers), me, is better than you will ever be? I played the 3 Movement of the Moonlight sonata we were talking about with ease. You were the one to think that there’s no way that a kid is better than you. It says a lot about your skill level if you think that Sonata 14, Op 27 Nr 2 Mvmt 3 is impossible to play for a child. YOU were the one with idiotic arguments, who thought that I CAN’T be interested in playing the piano, and thus can’t be good at it, because I followed the r/piano subreddit only since a couple of months.

I could be a child, but who are you then? An adult without a purpose and love in life – in other words a loser – who needs to argument with a child to prove to himself, that he still has something of worth in him, by annoying me with idiotic and completely irrational responses so much that I quit the conversation and you can feel a sense of accomplishment? Simply a troll? Are you intoxicated or high? Bullied again and now you let loose of your frustration?

If anyone is interested in the history of our past conversation you’re welcome to visit my profile and check the comments under the video. This fully grown and of course completely mature man has deleted all of his responses after losing the idiotic argument, but I think you should be able to guess how the conversation went.