so you think you can wrap flight charts around a globe and not have any wrinkles? Surely u aren’t that dumb. Well, I hope not. So if u can navigate by flight charts, but u can’t wrap them around a ball without losing land then why do u just believe that a computer program can do it? If it can’t be done, and u know it can’t be done, then what makes u think the computer can do the impossible? And my lawyer said I’m under no obligation to provide you with his name, so I will refrain for a while longer since I don’t want to go through the court process. Also, it will be well worth the money to me if u can provide what I am asking for and there’s no need to go through all the court shit since I will gladly pay if u can prove it can be done, using actual flight charts. Why do u not just lay out the flight charts that u would need to plot the course, including the one that shows the South Pole so that there is nothing I can say??? It’s soooo simple OP, and I have said all along that I am WILLING to pay those kids hospital bills if u can just stop trying to find ways around my challenge! I am a man of my word, and I am asking for such a SIMPLE FUCKING thing. If it’s doable, then why are u using a computer program that is claiming to do what is well known to be impossible? And why are u using a Mercator map when it just makes the SAME pattern, laid out with flight charts? Use flight charts, including the one that includes the South Pole and voila! I have committed to that since day one, and anyone that watches my challenge video and reads the description will know that. I know that u are hoping to win the court case based on my including the prove it’s flyable part written in the description instead of being spoken, but my lawyer said that because it is published at the exact same time, there can be no issue with it. If I had published it later he said I might have had a little to worry about, but because it was simultaneously published, that is part of the challenge. Even if u were to win in court over something so petty and pathetic, it still wouldn’t make you right about the earth being a ball. You know how u can prove me an idiot, claim ur money, and demonstrate that u are correct in all of this? COMPLETE THE FUCKING CHALLENGE CORRECTLY OP! Cmon, man, I’m offering a $100,000 prize for anyone that can do it! How much more incentive do u need???

Flat Earther offers $100k to the person who proves him wrong. This is how he responded when proven wrong. video link: