there was this cute earthy college student who mostly streamed Hearthstone that I used to watch obsessively and I eventually worked up the nerve to stop lurking and join chat (l broke the ice with a 500 dollar donation) and after a slow start I found my groove and started riffing off of everything she said and kind of became something of an Ed Mcmahon to her Carson. I’m only 32 but am pretty much an 80’s guy at heart and I’d need to send her about a dozen Wikipedia articles and youtube links a day so she’d get all my references haha. Anyhow one of her many quirks was how she’d take tiny nibbles of food whenever she ate on stream and I’d playfully tease her about how she was half rabbit. It became what I thought was a beloved inside joke in chat and I made a couple fun compilation vids Of her eating crossed with clips from the bucky o’hare show and watership down that synced up with her. I even payed 400 dollars for a pixel art gif of her as reader rabbit (which she played on stream once) nibbling away.