I’m not sure why, but this miscarriage has taken a very physical toll on me. More so than previous ones that have ended this early. I wasn’t ready for that. Also, Adelyn is getting 3 teeth at once and has been cranky for days. Our security system guy messed up our internet, Ryan and I fought on our wedding anniversary, I spilled paint in that hall way… I could go on but I think you’re getting an idea of how my weekend is going.
Because of all that, I sat in Addys room and just literally sat there. I didn’t cry. I just was so defeated that I couldn’t bring myself to do anything but sit there. Addy came up to me and very clearly “Hi mom.” And she hugged me. I quickly grabbed my phone to snap a picture no matter how I looked.
I’m her mom. She called me mom. (She’s said this before but this was the clearest she has ever said it). She’s my living and breathing miracle. I’m so happy to be her mom. She knows my soul and knows exactly what I need to keep going.
Sometimes I wish my body worked, sometimes I wish things weren’t so difficult, but sometimes… everything is just right. My Addy Jane makes things perfect.
What are you grateful for today?