You little piece of shit , now before you call the fbi or something let me tell you that you fucked yourself by making yourself a transgender woman, just be a man if you were born like that you are just a bitch and you cant change that for the rest of your life, i actually like this anime and i dont see everything black and white but because of a nipple sucker like you the world gets worse and worse and actually i cant believe people make themselfes trans that is disgusting af and everyone i mean literally almost everyone who thinks otherwise is fat or some other shit disease they have , i am very calm and i wrote this text rationally even though i intentionally used some insults but that is okay because you are jealous and said the word “fucking” yourself so fuck you and i got big balls and high iq i tested it on a mensa denmark test i got 128 i dont boast because stephen hawking said that it sucks to boast about intelligence but just to give you a reference how a smarter person might think like unlike the fool you are yourself, and your parents are probably not proud, but you had the decision to make them proud but you instead cut your penis off which is kinda sad because you make the whole world worse and you are just a garbage shit in this planet well earth is kinda fucked anyways but you are one of the many reasons for that, well i could write on and i enjoyed writing this in my 5 minutes of free time, please dont be a shit human anymore, you are welcome to use your whole potential and you can be better, btw trans suicide rates are at 40% or something so please dont kys and always stay hard, well sorry you cant be hard anymore because you are a woman right?