This Document explains This morning’s incident and i plan on giving full detail on what happened.

This Document was written on February 18, 2021

At Around The Morning Hours of February 17th 2021, Gloop (A.K.A. Braiden) Had joined my discord server “Blobanium’s Beehive” And After Pinged me 3 times without Any reason whatsoever (Not in Close Proximity of each other) also asking to unblock me, I Was straight Starting to get pissed off from it and he had already broken two rules (Pinging in the general chat and pissing other people off). And at around 8PM Pacific time I ultimately decided to take action with my discord powers. I Didn’t Give out a warning Because Gloop (A.K.A. Braiden) is known for being super toxic, and even if i did give out a warning, I knew for a fact it would cause more drama, and the same thing would apply with mutes also. So My only option Left was to Ban Gloop From the discord server.

But as soon as I banned him from the discord server, everything started to get out of hand. Hampoon would step in and post the same Ban message on r/Copypasta subreddit with the post “Genuine discord mod’s response after someone joined his server and pinged him and asked him to unblock” along with Leaking the invite to the discord server and along with my full discord username. That subreddit post has gotten 7.5k Upvotes at the time of writing. This Resulted a raid on my discord server.

**What happened This Morning Was Highly Unacceptable and I Will Take Primitive Action if anything like that is to happen ever again.**

Based on what he’s done to me in the past and to what he has done this morning, please avoid Hampoon and his friends at all costs. However this is your decision on if you want to try to avoid hampoon or not.