Why is this comment stickied? Because you are a mod, you are entitled to push your dumb joke to the top? I guess you think your special. You don’t deserve mod.

It really surprises me how Reddit is so for equality when it comes to finances, but when it comes to online social actions, they are fine with a vertical authority hierarchy that gives special privileges to those at the top– such as being able to give their post essentially the equivalent to infinite up-votes to get their post to the top.

In order to have a real conversation, thoughts should be judged on their contents, rather than the person who posted them. Reddit is ruining itself with these echo chambers, and everyone seems to be completely in support of the mod abuse and censorship that occurs here. It paints a bleak picture of the future internet, and maybe even society itself– that Humans are willing to accept this and even fight to defend it.

It’s also tragic that you as a mod don’t appreciate and follow these values. As a person who has an uneven ability to guide a conversation, you have even more responsibility to ensure good principals and values are followed.