PC gamers keep bringing up reasons why they think PlayStation gamers don’t like their own PS or jealous of PCs. PS gamers don’t care…that’s why they play on PlayStation. If you like modding and cross playing and pointing and clicking and sitting upright in an uncomfortable chair getting hand cramps with hurt eyes starring close at a tiny monitor while you point and click over the same boring games…cool. Enjoy. PlayStation gamers will just sit back in their comfortable couches looking at a big screen playing better games with less online toxicity.

“BuT oNlInE pLaY iS fReE oN pC!”

I could buy a new PlayStation and pay for TEN years of online gaming for the price of ONE MEDIOCRE PC where you couldn’t even play your good games on max settings. How much does a PC gamer spend in 10 years? It’s double, if not TRIPLE what a PS owner pays on average even when including online fees.

“BuT PcS hAvE bEtTeR gRaPhIcS aNd FpS!”

Great. Your boring ass games will look better. The games most PlayStation owners owners don’t even care about will look great on your tiny monitor. Nintendo is really popular. You think those gamers care about graphics and 30 FPS? They don’t give a shit. They’ve been playing the same games for decades that still look decades old. But who cares? It’s what THEY like and prefer, just like what YOU guys like and prefer. Get over it!

“BuT wE cAn Do EvErYtHiNg a PlAyStATiOn CaN! We HaVe ThE fLeXiBiLiTy.”

If you can and you want to, then just get a fucking PlayStation you cheap bastard. But you won’t. You’ll just stay stuck in the corner of your smelly ass room.

“Pc GaMeS aRe ChEaPeR!”

True. A lot are. But you cant bring them to a friends house to play, or more importantly, sell them to a friend. PlayStation gamers can buy a $60 game, beat it, and sell it to a friend or someone online for $40 2 months later. A PC game might pay $50, but can’t re-sell it if bought online. You’re stuck with it. You paid $50 and you’re not getting it back. While the console gamer essentially only paid $20.

But to each his own. Enjoy modding that same game over and over. Maybe you and Switch owners can have conversations about 10 year old games again that you’re still playing. Also, don’t forget to keep playing 1st and 3rd person shooter games like a noob that can’t game by only having to point and click. Shouldn’t that just be for 3 year old kids who don’t know how to handle and hold a controller properly? Using a mouse cursor to shoot…fucking lame is that?