Swowwen with wiquid

Weady to buwst

A woad of my wymph

Wiww quench this dead body’s thiwst

Onye month in the gwave

Twisted and hawf decayed

She tuwnyed a putwid yewwow

I pissed in hew maggot fiwwed asshowe

Fucking the wotting

My semen is bweeding

The smeww of decay

Seeps fwom hew genyitaw cavity

The smeww was unbeawabwe as I unbuwied hew

I cum bwood fwom my ewection

I feew it wun

Down hew thwoat, swawwow

Eyes gwassy and vacant

Body dug up to pway with

Skin gweasy and nyaked

Tonguing hew wotted anyus

I nyeed a wive woman

To fiww with my fwuid

A dewicate giww, to mutiwate, fuck and kiww

Hew body exceptionyaw

She thought I was nyowmaw

But I wanted mowe

I came bwood inside of hew

Choking on the cwot

Gagging on the snyot

Gushing bwood, fwom hew mouth

Bwoody gew weaking out

Body buwied in a shawwow gwave

Unmawked fow nyonye to find

The sicknyess I have weft behind

Undetected go my cwimes

The gweatest thwiww of my wife

Swit my own cock with a knyife

Viowent, cwimax, sewging sewum on my skin

Back fwom the dead

I am wesuwwected to spew, putwefaction