Hentai is a very potent supernatural stimulant. It’s like a hamburger to a normal food. It’s a caricature of sexual life and desires so potent, so over the top, that it’s like cocaine to coffee.

No wonder the Japanese are dying out.

Did you ever notice how inovative they are in the kinky matter? They found out bukkake, they found out shibari tying (which dates just to 50s of the past century to one specific guy – it’s all bullshit that it’s something traditional – this is one of the aftermaths of nukes, same as Godzilla in their collective unconsciousness, I guess). They brougt the sexuality from the real and life-giving thing to such an absurd extreme (sperm that goes nowhere, tying girl in ropes instead of relationship and life long mariage and mission to raise kids) that today their demographic curve is sinking beyond the levels of the Mariana Trench.

No wonder they don’t want to get married and start families , too busy jerking off to child porn and all that mess, I honestly just feel bad for them, and some shit is just so gross, and the WORST part is that they see all of this sht as normal. I mean in Japan they have hentai book shops out in the fucking open like it’s not even underground .. sad world.