Unlike dogs, cats cannot communicate with humans. A dog is able to successfully get an idea across by using all mannerisms available to him including his general attitude. If there is danger, a dog will alert you to it. If a dog wants to go for a walk, he will make that understood. If he is excited you will know it, sad the same. You will feel his shame if he is regretful. You understand the dog because the dog is a successful communicator, lovable- and loving – geniuses of the animal kingdom.

Cats are nasty little critters with empty minds. They have no brain at all it seems, and this is why they are considered funny. They have retched, selfish little hearts. Useful for deception, their chief operation. But the conduct of a cat requires no intelligence at all. It lives in the current moment, pursuing its desires which are often wicked. Deception and trickery, like general thievery, are not communications but tactics.

Scientists should understand this. Maybe they should go back to science school.