YA KNOW WHAT I WANT?! I want you to become Donald Trump’s semen receptacle. Open up your dripping wet puss for his wrinkly old man cock, as he downs Viagra like a frat boy at a party downs 86 shots of tequila before going balls deep in a girl too drunk to consent. Then, as he has the best 30 seconds(if he’s lucky) of his life, devote your insides to his pleasure and his pleasure alone as you use the inner walls of your body to stick to and wrap around his magnum dong, as he holds you by the throat trying to thrust into you to get you pregnant. And after he’s done, repeat with Mike pence and anyone else, before going up to your highschool principal and releasing a metric fuckton of yellowed and coagulated semen out of your newly minted schlock hole, before drinking it up with a fine mixture of piss, shit, and your own miscellaneous juices on live television.