Okay, so I hear everyone talk about racism. Everyone always tries to be not racist, like, they always say something like “not to be racist, but” or “no, I’m not racist”. What’s wrong with being racist, huh? Why do you try so hard not to be racist? What’s wrong with being racist? Do you have something against it? Are you just petty? I bet lots of racist people will appreciate when I speak on their behalf and say this, so here. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t being against racism kind of racist in itself? And now I hear everyone talk about how they want to “fight” racism. Fighting? Is that really the direction we’re going here? What if I fought you because you were born racist? You couldn’t help it. What is the problem here and how are we helping? Look, I get it. You’re too coddled by your nice home and your nice parents to deal with it and go with the flow. But this “movement against racism” is really getting out of hand. In conclusion, you really need to think about wether you actually hate racism or not.