Easy for a broke ass bitch with a twink body to say. I’m a Black Conservative with a Bodybuilder frame, 6 figure job and a rapist wit. I have women from all points on the political spectrum trying to get with me for varied reasons. It’s next to impossible to discern their motives without digging deep. I’m not sticking my dick in some Antifa-sympathizing weed-whore, i don’t care how nice her milkers are.

I’m not like you folks who listen to puss rock, and go to ‘urban’ clubs to just stand around and drink with zero dancing. I don’t get to just tell stories, and have my “jokes” consist of being an asshole and making fun of people. There are expectations for my kind that you don’t have. I’m expected to dance and rap. I’m expected to be Stand-up Comedian-tier with my observational humor. I’m expected to laugh off casual racism and unoriginal tropes. Unending shit-tests to figure out if I’m “one of those naggers” or not.

This shit takes time to rise up from the circles of degeneracy and socioeconomic stagnation i come from. You don’t just get invited to hang out with Veterinarians, Dentists, Mortgage Brokers on a lark – but that’s the pool I want to select from. As I said, I don’t want to just settle for some unambitious basic bitch Conservative who 20% wants to marry me, 80% wants to prove to herself (and society) that she isn’t a racist. I barely even like White women, they’re just less likely to be brainwashed feminists.

You remind me of the “Advanced Stats” crowd in Baseball/Basketball, always rambling on about Average/Replacement-level players, as if there’s some Player Store (or Waifu Store) you can go to and just pick out a woman worth spending tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours on, just to initially find out whether or not she might be worth giving tenure.

So yes, yes I’d rather take a chance and skip steps 1-15 with some cute girl who wears a MDE shirt. Let’s cut the shit and get right to it. No falling for a woman THEN finding out she voted Hillary, doesn’t know what Hadith or Taqiyyah are, and her credit score is in the 600s.