“I don’t know about you, but I play Hunter in WoW. I am constantly under pressure to perform in fights especially PvP. I have to Kite, manage pet, manage traps, manage cooldowns (engineering trinkets, engineering bombs), manage pots, manage my focus target, manage enemy cooldowns, manage friendly cooldowns. And I do this for many hours a day. You could argue that Video Games are different than in person pressures. However I have dealt with many fights growing up. Someone who was very fat tried to rear naked choke me. In seconds I tossed him over me and onto the ground. He was probably 200lbs above me in weight. Also I am a type of person who within seconds can come with 1,000 different plans to defeat someone.The more I am around people I can see their past, present, future. So that line of questioning doesn’t work on someone like me.”

 Context – [https://gyazo.com/08003a89b4fcf2b97a2180d4b919da48](https://gyazo.com/08003a89b4fcf2b97a2180d4b919da48) (Careful, Aot spoilers inside)

 I seriously couldn’t resist.