I’m an internet user that wants to prove you wrong if that’s the answer you’re looking for, also, not using the english language properly doesn’t matter if your point gets to the person you are refering to… It’s just an excuse if you can’t find a smart comeback, Then again, if my english was so bad you couldn’t understand what I was trying to say, I’m gonna try to make you:
Sure, what happens in the computer doesn’t affect you in the outside world, but a club meeting you did with your friends at school doesn’t affect you either. The comment I made up above was purely for comedic purposes, and to be able to stop arguing I put a BAKA at the end meaning that I didn’t want to offend him/her or start an argument. I typed really fast and made some typos, so here’s the non typo version:The computer is in the real world..
Its not like we change and go into a fantastical world to be able to use it..