It was just a normal day, I was waiting in the line at McDonalds, thinking of what I would buy. All of a sudden, things went from normal to absolutely terrible.
I was waiting in line, when I saw LeBron James drive up. He walks into the door, and swings it open. Every eye was stuck to him. From the inside of his coat, he reached to pull something out. It looked like… it looked like a water bottle. “No”I thought.”Not a… Sprite Cranberry!” Just as I thought this, he withdraws a can of Sprite Cranberry. He whispers, “Want a sprite cranberry?” Half of the customers fell onto the ground, evidently dead. I, unfortunately, was not one of them. He walks up to me, and leans into my ear. He gently touches my cheek, and whispers again. “Want a Sprite Cranberry?” My body goes rigid. “This is it.” I thought. “I can not run, I can not escape.” I braced myself, waiting for him to utter the terrible, fatal words. He opens his mouth, but closed it. A wide smile appeared on his face. He opened his mouth, and this time, he sang “It’s the most thistiest time, of the year.” I fell to the ground, my body lifeless as I dissolved into a puddle of Sprite Cranberry.