Fuck. Me. Sandbox mode on, where am I gonna build? Where am I gonna f*cking build? I’m making a new place. Why is there no oil anywhere? WHYYYY? I’m starting to fricking ruin my desk now because of SimCity Jesus Christ ,too many TREES, I didn’t know this place was gonna be filled with fucking TREES, am I gonna need to demolish all of these trees? Time to make a district that’s another SQUARE. Oh my god oh my god, LOAD, I HATE THIS SO MUCH, I DONT WANT TO (incomprehensible screaming), PLEASE, I DONT KNOW, JESUS, SCREW IT, all houses, SCREW IT, oh but now I gotta make a power oh no, oh do you want a wind turbine, OH DO YOU WANT A WIND TURBINE? Ooh now we’re gonna need a place, A PLACE, I don’t know what it’s called, industrial, oh now we’re gonna need more roads so I can make a new district thing, I HATE SIMCITY, I REALLY DO I HATE IT, OH THERES SO MANY PEOPLE OVER HERE, OH NOW GUESS WHAT I NEED POWER OH HOW ABOUT WE GET A HYDROPUMPING STATION OH HOW ABOUT THAT, OH DID YOU KNOW IT WAS A HYDROPUMPING STATION? OH DID YOU? DEMOLISH. this map is so small oh my god, I don’t care about a church oh my god not my city not my problem, give me a town hall now or you’re executed, yeah I hope you’re happy you a-holes, garbage dump? Hmm I wonder where I’ll put that, I’ll put it there because I don’t care, a hospital? I don’t care. Police? Do we even need police. Oh sewage where are we gonna put the sewage. Education? Do I care? No but I’m gonna have to anyway.