Hello Support Staff.

My account has been disabled for posting or engaging with content that glorified or promoted the sexualization of children.

I (to my knowledge) have not partaken in that behavior. If by any chance i have joined any servers that break this rule of the TOS, i apologize. If that is the case i do know which server is breaking these TOS, and if it has not been terminated yet would leave and report this server. I personally have never posted any content (messages, pictures, videos, GIFS) that break this policy, if i have, i can not remember it and would like to apologize. I am only 15 years old and would not spread child porn or anything of that matter, as i would gain nothing from it and i know that it is very illegal. This account means much to me as many friends i made over my 2 years on discord i chat with on this account. I once again apologize for my behavior, i will leave any servers i would deem as not TOS following and report them if my account gets unbanned. I hope you will reenable my account as i did not have ill intent/knew what was happening. I hope you will take this into consideration and reenable my account. If this appeal is not enough,
Thank you and i hope you will read this.