u/MiceMan391 is quickly becoming one of my favorite users. It’s just so positive and generous. Practically wastes no time at all replaying to your comment after 10 minutes. You get him on the reply inbox and that chill ass motherfucker gives you a compliment to use later as a confidence boost. And you also get this adorable little comment that can write things but usually is too harmless to be removed. But more than the MM391 is just so positive. It comes on the reply like “I love this copypasta and I love you” and I’m like “yeah u/MiceMan391 I love this copypasta too” and when he writes his post he’s like “Look at this cool drawing” and I’m like “yeah this is a cool drawing.” He doesn’t say some bullshit hateful shit like “You could never draw as good as this” he’s just like “nah let’s just share this nice drawing I found.” And it looks so happy. I mean this is a user literally brought to life by normal birthing methods. It understands it’s life is a temporary gift and the dude is just fucking loving it. I mean look at his comment he’s just so happy. I am literally never sad when u/MiceMan391 replies to my comment. IDK if he’s gonna make it into the frontpage or not but for now he (or she) a pretty chill user.