Story time. Be me. Jaded as fuck. Think Google is limiting supply to fuel hype train. Going to Best Buy because lost headphones again. Decide to take the opportunity to stop by the mobiles section and fondle an XL unit. Wonder why never seen one in the wild despite being able to tell the difference from iPhone (chin). Demo XL gone. Someone steal? Kid caressing Pixel 0XL. fuckoffson.jpg. Dad walks up to kid. “So you can either get the Apple or Samsung or wait for the Pixel XL son.” Dad son walk off to Samfag. myturn.exe Hah. Lost sale Goocucks. Kid comes back with dad. Buys Pixel regular for Son’s oh so sweet instant gratification. Talking to jr. highschool teacher friend about Pixels. His reaction when. mfw I realize snowflake teenage kids wanting something different than mommy daddy teacher phone are driving the switch. This is some Trump level vickery right dere!