WOW! You Americans are truly allergic to anything even remotely French, aren’t you? Admittedly, I wasn’t all that surprised when I first noticed that a particularly stupid, high-profile NFL star like ex-Green Bay Packers starting quarterback Brett Favre can’t even pronounce his own name, but for the media & sports fans alike to follow suit for three decades? I mean, COME ON! (In case you’re on the edge of your seats eagerly awaiting the answer to this 30 year old mystery, “faav-ruh” is correct, not “farv”; I would have thought the spelling to be a dead giveaway),

While I’m on the subject, “foyer” is NOT pronounced “foy-yer” (‘foy-yay” is in fact the correct pronunciation) and in this instance, the spelling is “voila” (meaning “there (you have it)”), NOT “vwalla”.

Dude, it’s FRENCH, not Swahili

Found on Vintage Synth Explorer of all places