This is super hard for me but here goes… I am coming out as nonbinary. My pronouns on social media are she/they, but I will not be telling anyone in my day to day life about this whatsoever and I do not experience dysphoria so I don’t mind if I get she/her. The only difference in my life going forward is I will now occasionally wear rainbow eyeshadow and start every post where I speak as an ultimate authority on trans issues with “as a lesbian nonbinary demisexual,”. My boyfriend Randy and I have discussed it, and we’ve decided that he’s nonbinary too, his pronouns are he/him and we have decided to start painting his nails black.

Oh yeah, I am also coming out as lesbian even though I have never and have no intentions of ever dating or having sex with anyone but cis men, because I am not attracted to women or femininity. I will, however, be posting pictures of cute anime girls and saying “fuck I’m so gay” so it’s kind of exactly the same as actively being in a relationship openly with a woman in public, even though this too is something I will never mention to anyone outside of a computer screen.

Additionally, I am also coming out as polyamorous and I have started dating a second guy. Randy was initially very problematic about this, because I’m not comfortable with him having sex with or dating other girls, but I explained to him how polyphobic and abusive this is and also that he is dependant on my income, and he’s slowly coming around to it.

I hope you understand that I am absolutely no different from any other trans person and our experiences are exactly the same and if you disagree that I experience the same amount of or more discrimination than other “enbie” people, that I will screenshot your conversation and post it and be like “23 mutuals with this piece of shit degenerate filth, call their work and get them fired”. I go through identical struggles as other queer lesbian trans nonbinary people of color (I did ancestry and found out I’m 0.4% Roma, so I can use the T and the G slur) and I get all my takes from tiktok channels so I know what I’m talking about, usually more than other trans people unfortunately.