**I noticed there was hair growing on the skin of my big toe below my toenail. I have become SO livid because this isn’t something that is ever supposed to happen. I get that it /can/ happen to people… but it was NOT supposed to happen TO ME. E V E R. why? because I’ve taken supplements for decades to avoid big toe hair to ever come into existence. i’ve ALSO done vigorous workouts and stuck to the routine. The plan was to keep the toe slender, which gives it less space for any hair to creep its way onto it. You can’t have a super hairy big toe if your big toe has no real estate for hair to begin with. I’ve done more. I massage it with oils that are BAD for hair, to deter hair from wanting to make its home there. i’ve really done everything i can think of. now before you say “why Ruby, why didn’t you just go get laser hair removal?!” – How bout cuz my family believes you can achieve anything that a doctor offers to do for you if you just push yourself mentally. Also Mom’s shown me all the reasons to NEVER trust a doctor and to avoid going ‘less you desperately need something like blood or ya’kno… ur dying or something. So (NATURAL) supplements it is for me, and workouts to keep my toe skinny. Long story short…. all of this was FOR. NOTHING. the hair still has come up on the big toe. i’m honestly disgusted and so mad, and sad, i’m a cluster of emotions. I wanted all my life to have kids and I’m honestly getting to that age where it’s do or don’t for the kid thing. It’s gotta happen soon if it’s gonna happen. But maybe that’s a good thing that i’ve been given this problem now instead of after breeding, Cause now it’s maybe a sign to stop that from happening cause I wasn’t meant to be a mom or something. Cause now that I know THIS is the kind of genes I’d be passing onto a child, I don’t think it’s fair to reproduce. No child should be brought here by me when i’ve seen dead in my eye what kind of genetics they’d be working with when it came to their big toe. I don’t know if my mother or my father is the culprit of the hairy toe genes but I’m going to get to the bottom of it and have a very long talk with them. things will never be the same because they kept this from me. Hell, they were reckless even giving birth to me and I never saw Mom as the reckless type. Don’t get me wrong!! I AM SO GLAD I AM ALIVE!!!! So I mean, crazy as it may sound, I’m GLAD they were reckless I guess haha. I know that’s a cheeky thing to say, but it’s really something I have to be happy about. All i can do now is end the chain and do my part and not reproduce.**

**For punishment – coupled with one final “hu-rah” at obliterating this – I’ve got a rubber band here, and I’ve tied it around my big disgusting hair-toe, and I’ve pulled it back as far as it’ll stretch before releasing and letting it snap as hard as possible onto the toe. I’m hoping if I cause enough Pain to the toe that it’ll damage the hair follicles on the toe, thus slowing the growing (or if I’m lucky, stopping it all together) so i can still have SOME small amount of dignity. If this fails though, then It’s clear as day I’ll never be able to go anywhere that requires my big toe to be exposed ever again. I’m going to cut a tiny sock out of my socks and craft it specifically to fit around my toe. Maybe somehow I can make this a blessing in disguise. Mom always told me everything happens for a reason and I want to believe it! But golly lol, this has turned my life upside down. I’m thinking maybe i could open up an Online shop or sell at the local market on sundays here in town. I am well aware of the other people out there who have hair growing on their big toe, and I THINK I know there are no toe socks that exist yet (If you know of any though**

**PLEASE tell me so I Don’t go to Jail for idea/product stealing.**

**I don’t know how that stuff works I just know it’s illegal to sell an item someone else already has claimed) and since I’m now sadly part of this gross club, I’d like to do what I can to help the other people who deal with this too.**

I’m trying to watch youtube to distract me from the rubber band snapping at my toe but quite frankly I can’t find a single video that is distracting enough. I do watch PewDiePie on the regular though. I am not ever too old to not be a fellow 19 year old haha. Floor Gang Awoooh! I Wish i Was Like Felix and Had No legs SO My Toe Hair Would be Gone.

My mom alway’s told me as a kid NEVER to shave a single hair on my body that wasn’t on my legs because they’d grow back DARKER and STRONGER and LONGER strands than they were before you shaved them off. that’s why i;m hoping i can just damage the toe hair follicles by harassing them because shaving is just not the answer.

its like drugs, they offer a quick relief in the moment, a momentary escape from the hair. a temporary bliss. but then when they wear off- or – the hair grows back – you’re met with a HAIRIER problem than before… and the only option u have is to relapse (AKA shave again) to avoid the pain (the hair).

I hope anyone else who deals with this has support. Also i hope everyone votes because the government right now is all sorts of cookoo. please go to protests even if you have to wear a toe sock because i’m for sure going to. you can’t say “all lives matter” until black lives are finally treated on an equal level. then and only then will we have unity. Sorry for this rant. The toe has got me in a fit of rage along with the current evens of the world. It’s just as disgraceful world to live in honestly. People breed even with big toe hair genetics, and people become cops even though they have big toe’s for brains. it all needs to end my mind is in a flurry until then.