I’ve played CSGO off and on for the past 7 years, have reached Global Elite both before and after the rank shift, achieved A+ rank on ESEA with a pretty consistent 11-12 RWS, etc. When I play normal Global Elite games I perform as usual, normally sweep opponents and end up with around 25-30 frags. But here is the thing: when I hop on an account that is DMG to play with friends, I get absolutely shredded by mg2’s-LE. They all have the game sense of GTR, better aim than niko and a higher HSP than Scream in his prime. What is the deal with mgs? Forget Rank S or FPL, start recruiting for pro teams from low rank MM.

Edit: Ok, nothing you guys say can convince me otherwise. MGs are fucking legends. I just got 1 tapped so hard the suicide hotline number popped up in my console and my phone started buzzing with an amber alert for my dignity.
