I prefer the classic 4 x chugga, 2 x choo.

Although the more contemporary 2 x chugga, 2 x choo is the most popular as of 18/3/19, is feel like this is a disgusting piece of evidence that Millennials are degrading society and the culture humanity has worked so hard to build.

Millennials have no respect for the traditions of their forefathers, they are more interested in marijuana, hover-boards and Jacob Paul (a “hip” personality found on the World Wide Web)

Honestly, I believe that Millennials will destroy the world in, at most, 12 years. They haven’t heeded the warnings from their more experienced parents who have already figured this stuff out!

We know what a train sounds like! These children have no clue what they’re doing. Have you have heard a train ever make two chuggas? Heck no. They have to build up much more momentum, at least four chuggas. I’m just getting fricken angry now, so I’d better stop writing.