i am sexually attracteD to peter griffin, i think about his soft flabby chin all the tiMe. i want it. i need it. i would gently slice it off and place it in My mouth. if anyonE has access to a peter griffiN chin, or better yet know a (preferably not liked) person with a peter griffin chin please tell me where they live. i’m begging yoU, please, this is all i have left after the Divorce. I’ve bEen living in this Shitty motel for months with only the family guy episodes i downloaded on my Phone. i can’t get a job, a house, a famiLy, or any way to get monEy, i believe i will die in the next month and i doubt Anyone is going to come to my burial. i Say burial and not funeral bEcause i won’t be able tO afford one. if i could, it would be modelled afteR brian’s Funeral. thE guEsTs would be dressed as the main cast in the gcu (griffin cinematic universe) and i would be lowered to my grave as a slow live Performance of the family guy theme tune played. thIs Could be the laSt message anyone here’s of me, so i need to have one last wish. be sure to

read every capitalised letter