So as someone with male genitalia, peeing standing up is a regular occurrence in my life. While convenient and time efficient one significant downside is the occasional dribble over the next few minutes when you don’t quite “clear the line.” That was until a couple hours ago when my friend graced me with the knowledge of the double gooch push. For those that aren’t aware the gooch, also known as the perineum, is the surface area between the anus and the genitals, a pretty much unimportant part of the human anatomy in every day life. But, after you’re done urinating, if you push on your gooch several times it clears the rest of the urine out of your system that would inevitably end up making its way out in an inconvenient fashion. Now I was skeptical, how could I have lived 24 years of my life without knowing this crucial piece of the “draining the main vain” process. But after trying it, I can confirm, it not only completely emptys the tank, it allows you to hold your head high knowing you can continue your day with dry underwear and a clean member. Try it for yourself and tell everyone you know, you won’t be disappointed!