I like to live life on the edge. The edge of the law, the edge of what kind of BMW car payment I can afford, and the edge of your bumper. I once heard a wise man say, “I live my life a quarter mile at a time”, but that was short sighted IMO. The road is my Nürburgring. If you are in my way your toast, because my time is more important than you’re cheap crappy car and the safety of others. If you had 12 Bose speakers blasting Travis Scott at full volume while you drove a PUSSY MAGNET like mine you would get it, but you don’t, so just do yourself a favor and realize that ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME. In the immortal words of Ludacris, “Move, bitch, get out da way!” 😏

Found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/ao6x5c/comment/efynvim?st=JRV8Q2G7&sh=662d735a