you absolute fucking dumbass. you moron. you perpetually stupid asshat. you retard. fuck you. suspend your existence from this mortal realm, purge our sufferings along with your own flesh. the only thing that surpasses my apprension for your utter stupidity is your stupidity itself. i’d tell you i wish you’ve never been born, but there is no way idiocy of your caliber could possibily be congenital. clearly, i should take the hegelian approach, and blame every single interaction you have ever held with this world for the utter retardation i see before me. actually, fuck that. someone like you needs no explanation or excuse. your uselessness is a constant within this entire universe; it’s almost refreshing. i’d hate you, but im burnt out. im tired of you. im tired of the despair i feel when i realize that yes – someone can actually be this retarded. you’re a freak of nature. no, you’re a fucking sin by nature, because there is no way something like you was crafted by chance. i never believed in any higher power, and for a while you only served to deepen this belief. at this point, youve driven me to the point where i do believe in a god, and i believe he’s sick. who else would create someone as horrible as you, other than to laugh at their tasteless joke. i’d think im hallucinating, that this is some sort of existential nightmare, due to the sheer disbelief i have for your stupidity, but my mind is not twisted enough to conjure up something so perverse. your stupidity is simultaneously beyond belief and disbelief, as paradoxical as the way you fail to fulfill my expectations by being even more of a failure than they expect.