Well well well fuckin well. Looks like we have the good old fashioned fucking trifecta in full force. Here ye here ye in one hand im hearing my mate click clack fuckyourself clacking on those young videogames mouthbanging the mic with his virtual fucking pals. Chill wtvr not a big deal its chill. Whats that? Lets travel one whole story down and what do i hear? You guessed it CHING CHONG CHING idk wtf it is because it sounds like someone took a key, taped it to their dick and decided to masturbate with a glove made out of chalkboard but thats not all folks strap the fuck in because we have a squealing mega slut being railed one room over trying to keep it quiet like trying to seal up a volcano with a plastic bag like nigga shits gunna leak through and its gunna make that stupid ass sound a fart makes when u try and hold it in but it gets out anyway like u might as well just spread ur fucking cheeks and let it glide out of there what the fuck is this i just want to eat and im failing all my classes fuck this