This has gone on long enough! Our country is in turmoil unlike anything we’ve ever seen, we are engulfed in scandal and corruption! Our nation is apart of some sick reality show, a tragic soap opera! We have not had one normal day since January 20, 2017, when #45 was inaugurated! We have become mired in lies, deceit, and corruption! And it hasn’t even been a year since he took office!

He has lied, he has made a mockery out of the once distinguished office of president, and he continues to soil the office with each day of his administration! With his incessant, and at times incoherent tweeting, his insults to our allies, the ineptitude, and corruption, of his administration, the constant scandals, day after day after day! People, this isn’t normal, and we can not allow ourselves to become numb to outrage, we can not allow our once proud nation to succumb to this idiocy, we can not allow this madness to become normal!

I no longer solicit sanity, nor rationality of his worshippers, they are submerged in, and driven by their hatred for the former president, and the candidate that lost, completely consumed by their hatred, they are unable to see the peril that we are in, the constant embarrassment to our nation that #45 is, their standard retort is, Yeah but Obama , and Hillary! Which has nothing to do with the here and now. #45 worshippers, can you stop being Republicans just long enough to become Americans? This madness must end!