I collect memes new and old, every night I take out my book of memes and give them each a sensible chuckle. This ritual used to only take a mere 20 min. back when Al Gore first bundled a series of tubes together, but with all the epic maymays being tossed about these days, I’m up to over 9000 hours. I print out my favorites and hang them on the wall. Sometimes when I’m feeling forever alone, I’ll wrap my favorite memes up in a blanket and snuggle them til my tears of sad pandas become a rage face! I often forget to shower because I get so caught up in my obsession, even my hilarious cats can’t stand the dank smell coming off of me and my memessss precious! My in real life friends have started avoiding me, they don’t appreciate the nicknames I give them… they used to be all GGGregs, but lately they’ve turned into a bunch of grumpy trolls who take this beautiful internet gift for granted! hahaha those silly gooses! they’ll see, it’s not the memes fault, the memes is love, memes is life, memes are not awkward scumbags! they might not always be the most interesting, but when they do they are intradasting! I have given up all my personal belongings and have moved to /r/memes[1] . They are my home now. Y U NO join me chicken? You are a child prodigy of dankness. I’m super cereal! We’re “Straight Outta MEMES” moar like it, amiright? Y’all got any more of those hilarious internet jokes? one of us! one of us! gooba-gabba MFW I SMH & ROTFLMFAO!

You da real

**M** emes

**V** alidate

**P** eople’s lives

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/3g7f8z/from_august_ragones_facebook/ctvnuwe