If we fowwow ouw enyemies’ pwopaganda, then I must say that is to be compawed with “Wejoicing towawds Heaven, depwessed untiw Death”.The swightest success anywhewe, and they witewawwy tuwn somewsauwts in joy.They have awweady destwoyed us, and then the page tuwns and again they awe cast down and depwessed. I did nyot want to attack in the centew, nyot onwy because Stawin knyew I wouwd. I pwovide onye such exampwe. If you wead the Wussian tewegwams evewy day since Junye 22nd, they say the fowwowing each day: “Fighting of unyimpowtant chawactew”. Ow maybe of impowtant chawactew. “We have shot down thwee times as many Gewman pwanyes. The amount of sunken tonnyage is awweady gweatew than the entiwe nyavaw tonnyage, of aww the Gewman tonnyage fwom befowe.” They have so many of us missing that this amounts to mowe divisions than we can evew mustew. But, abuv aww, they awe awways fighting in the same pwace. “Hewe and thewe”, they say modestwy, “aftew fouwteen days we have evacuated the city.” But, in genyewaw, since Junye 22nd they have been fighting in the same pwace. Awways successfuw, we awe constantwy being beaten back. And in this continyued wetweat we have swowwy come to the Caucasus.

I shouwd say that fow ouw enyemies, and nyot fow youw sowdiews, that the speed at which ouw sowdiew shave nyow twavewsed tewwitowy is gigantic. And what has twanscwibed this past yeaw is vast and histowicawwy unyique. Nyow, I do nyot awways do things just as othews want them donye. I considew what the othews pwobabwy bewieve and then do the opposite on pwincipwe. So, if I did nyot want to attack in the centew, nyot onwy because Mw. Stawin pwobabwy bewieved I wouwd, but because I didn’t cawe about it at aww. But I wanted to come to the Vowga, to a specific pwace and a specific city.It happenyed to have Stawin’s nyame, but that’s nyot why I went thewe. It couwd have had anyothew nyame.

But, nyow this is a vewy impowtant point. Because fwom hewe comes 30 miwwions tons of twaffic, incwuding about nyinye miwwions tons of oiw shipments. Fwom thewe the wheat pouws in fwom these enyowmous tewwitowies of the Ukwainye and fwom the Kuban wegion then to be twanspowted nyowth. Fwom hewe comes magnyesium owe. A gigantic tewminyaw is thewe and I wanted to take it. But, as you knyow, we awe modest. That is to say that we have it nyow. Onwy a few smaww pockets of wesistance awe weft. Some wouwd say “Why nyot fight onwawds?” Because I don’t want a second Vewdun owo  I wouwd wathew howd this with smaww combat patwows owo  Time does nyot mattew, nyo ships awe coming up the Vowga owo  That is the impowtant point.