Jill loves to play with balls!

Story time with Embarrassed\_Work\_649 presents: Jill loves to play with balls

 Jill loved to play with balls. She loved all kinds of balls. Big balls, small balls, black balls, white balls; no matter what its type, she loved it. But most of all, Jill loved to play with Chuck’s balls. Chuck was her best friend, and he had two huge black balls. His balls were so big, Jill couldn’t even fit it in her mouth! “Gaghhh” She would say, as her friends watched her choke on Chuck’s big balls. Jill and her sister Sarah both loved Chuck’s balls so much they would fight over it! Sometimes, Chuck’s mother had to step in and take the balls away. Other times, the two sisters would reconcile and play with Chuck’s balls together. Jill carried Chuck’s balls everywhere. “Jill! Don’t play with Chuck’s balls in class!” Her teacher would say. “Jill! Don’t play with Chuck’s balls at the dinner table!” Her mom would say. But no matter how much they told her to stop, Jill just wouldn’t stop playing with Chuck’s balls. One day, she was playing with his balls near the park, and they fell in the river! “Oh no!” Jill cried, “I’ve lost Chuck’s balls!” She searched frantically for his balls, and when she was ready to give up, she finally found them stuck on a tree branch floating on the river. Jill didn’t know how to swim, so she called the police. “Help me please,” she cried, “My friend’s big, black balls are stuck on a tree!” But eventually, she was able to get it back, and from then on, she knew that she would have to be careful with Chuck’s balls, because all good girls know how to nicely play with big, black balls.