So a family: a mom, a dad, a brother, a sister, a baby, and grandma… grandma’s there for fun. They walk into a talent agents office and they tell the agent: “We’ve got a great act for you. It’s gonna knock your socks off.”

And the agent goes: “We don’t do family acts, they’re too cute.”

And the dad says “Ah but this is cute in a way you’ve never seen before, you’re gonna like it, I promise.”

Then the agent says “Alright, you’ve got two minutes, let’s see what you got.”

The mom and dad start profusely making out, and the agent goes “It’s a weird opener, but I’ll stick with it. This isn’t so bad.”

Well, wait until the kids start going at it too! Tongue-in-cheek, literally… And then the sister starts to kiss the dad. The mother starts to eat out of the boy’s asshole. Pretty soon the whole family is locked in a terrible orgy. They have reached the point of no return. And as the orgy is happening they begin to rotate. As the whole family – even the baby, who is used as a dildo – they’re all rotating. Except for grandma, who’s outside the rotation of the orgy, ’cause someone’s got to be there to lick the dirty parts as they go by.

By now there’s just sweat, and cum, and piss, and there’s blood, because things get crazy, but it’s okay, because they are all related, so it’s fine. Now the agent’s already called 911 by now. He started dialing when he noticed the son sticking a glass rod up hiss penis bending it like a hook, like a glowstick, you just hear a handful of pops. And then he fucks his sister with his little tiny baby dick. She’s not loving it. He gets a little way too excited and he cums the bloody cummy glass into his sister’s child cunt. That wasn’t part of the act…

Meanwhile mom’s blowing dad. Right in front to the kids…

Grandma’s eating out the baby’s asshole. The baby’s eating catfood.

By now is probably a good time to say that the mother is retarded. And not just acceptibly retarded, but weelchair-retarded. Which is great, because those ones drool a lot, so you always got a loophole. Which is exactly what they were using. Wasn’t sure which one she hated more… Whatever.

Anyways, where was I? Blood… piss… cum… shit… Literally every bodily fluid you could think of was just smeared across this poor agents office. Especially the tears.

I haven’t forgotten about grandma: she gets on top of the agent’s desk and pulls out a crossbow. And she shoots a grappling hook into the ceiling and repels down, off the desk across the room, pussy first onto the grandson’s dick. They both fall over. He cracks three ribs. He dies. His last breaths were sucked out of him by the orgasm he was having, shooting his little cumload into grandma.

Meanwhile, dad’s busy punchfisting the daughter’s front butt. Mom smearing her shitty colostomy bag all over the daughter’s developing tits.

Oh! The baby! I forgot about the baby. So… its head came off somewhere along the way. The dad picks it up, and you might be thinking: “Oh, it’s a decapitated baby’s head!” But the dad’s thinking “Oh! a new hole! Right in the neck.”

And what do we do when we find a new hole? That’s right, we make it bigger…

Here’s where it gets gross. By now mom has fallen out of her wheelchair, and she’s convulsing along on the ground because at some point in the act she missed her dose. They put the headless baby’s corpse on the wheelchair, and they tie a long ribbon across the room and they use it as a slingshot, to sling the baby out the window. They barely missed the agent’s head.

The brother’s penis is inside the daughter. But he’s not attached to it. She cut it off and is using the blood to run around with tribal paints on her face.

You can’t tell the difference between the brother and the sister at this point. The daughter pulls out a noose and ties it to the chandelier. She puts her neck into it and flat-out hangs herself. Obviously, the family uses it as a piñata. You can imagine a kid getting beaten over and over again with metal bats. You can just imagine how the crunches turn into softer and softer beats, you know, because you are just breaking her into fine bits from the inside out. And you can imagine what’s dripping on the ground. Different shades of red, and green, for some reason…

The brother’s cum, that’s dripping out of her as well.

They start spinning her, so all of her fluids are just shooting across the room. At this point, dad has filled two condoms fully with cum, and starts using them as cumchucks on his dead daughter. She’s actually not dead yet, she’s still dying.

Did I mention the family’s black? You probably thought they were white this whole time.

So the last memory she has is her father’s cum in her eye before she blacks out, and the agent goes “I’ve never seen an act like that in my life… What do you call yourselves?”

And then the dad limps up – he’s limping, because you can imagine in this terrible sex act shit gets broken; one of his eyes is dead – he limps up to the agent’s desk like a Walmart employee, and throws his hands on it. He says can I see your pocketknife?

The agent thinks: “Alright, this man seems sane.” He gives the pocketknife. And the dad carves the text “the aristocrats” into the desk, and fills those grooves with cum before taking that pocketknife, and slitting his own throat, and dying next to his wife who’s still breathing. Involuntarily, mind you, because the oxygen tanks are still pumping her lungs. The whole family’s dead at this point.

This wasn’t even an act. This was a mass suicide disguised as an audition. It’s part of their religion.

The cops arrive and the agent is arrested for mass murder.