Today is April 1st, 2006, and I just watched the last episode of Yu Yu Hakusho on toonami. You remember Atsuko Urameshi, right? No??? Well that’s because you either, didn’t read the original manga and only watched the anime, or you just don’t fucking give a shit about other characters besides the so-called “main cast” in Yu Yu Hakusho. Atsuko Urameshi is Yusuke’s mother in the series, and evidently the only parental figure Yusuke had for his entire life aside from his long-gone father as shown in the last few chapters in the original manga. She woke Yusuke up in the mornings if she remembers, and occasionally makes him and his friends food and snacks. So that begs the question, where the fuck was she in the dark tournament arc? What about the Chapter Black arc? Demon Plane Unification arc? The last time we literally see her is on Yusuke’s table, drunken, SLEEPING, while Keiko and Shizuru question Botan as to where Yusuke and friends are. Couldn’t Keiko wake up Atsuko to let her know her SON, let me repeat, SON, is participating in a tournament where he could, oh I don’t know, POTENTIALLY DIE!!! IN THE MANGA, SHE WENT TO THE TOURNAMENT! IN THE MANGA, ATSUKO WAS WORRIED ABOUT PUU WHEN YUSUKE DIED AGAINST SENSUI!!! SHE LITERALLY DESERVES A RIGHTFUL SPOT IN THE MAIN CAST OF CHARACTERS!!! SHE WAS EVEN IN THE INTRO IN THE FUCKING TOURNAMENT!!! I hate this anime, I fucking hate it. Therefore, fuck you stinky poo poo studio pierrot, toonami, and their stinky poo poo animators for forgetting our beloved Atsuko. Fuck Fuji TV for greenlighting this atrocity, and most importantly, fuck you so-called “fans” of Yu Yu Hakusho for NOT POINTING THIS OUT AND HELPING ME BRING THIS TO LIGHT AND GIVE JUSTICE FOR ATSUKO. JUSTICE FOR ATSUKO. JUSTICE FOR ATSUKO. JUSTICE FOR ATSUKO. JUSTICE FOR ATSUKO. JUSTICE FOR ATSUKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!