if two gay guys kiss it isnt gay. the gayness cancels itself out because a – times a – is a + so lets say one gay guy is -1 and another is -1. -1 times -1 is 1 and lets say being straight is a positive sign so it would be -1 times -1 equals +1 that makes it straight(edited) lets take it a step further, gay anal sex is -76 now, lets say in the span of intercourse both men get fucked that would be -76 + -76. but that equals -152 so you may be thinking “wait thats still gay!” or is it? well you see if we say straight anal sex is positive 76 that if its a foursome of 2 guys 2 girls both having anal sexitll be -156 + 156 so its zero but then the gay guys kiss so its positive one you cannot be gay Mathematically it is impossible