Where is Spencfur?

Furries and Spencer

Furries are illegal in Germany

Germany is in the EU

The EU is a union

Workers are in unions

Unions is close to onions

Workers eat onions

Spencer is unemployed

Spencer does not consume onion

So spencer has no relation to unions

So he is NOT in germany or europe

There are 6 continents Spencer could be in right now

A Spencfur is a weak thing

So i’ll do you a solid and tell you he wouldn’t make it in Africa or Antarctica

Europe is one of the only continents not to start with the letter A

So spencer is 3 letters from europe

Eurasia is the continent of europe and asia

Spencer is 3 letters from europe so he must be in asia since eurasia is only 3 letters europe

Asia is the largest continent

China is the largest country in asia

But spencfur is a weeaboo so he must be in Japan

Furries are found in urban centers

The largest city in Japan is 11.3 million larger than the second largest

11.3 million feet is 2090 miles

Spencfur’s favorite anime is Angel Beats

The music company that produced the music is irrelevant

Anime and japanese music are both exclusive to japan

When was a golden age of art in japan?

IT WAS ACTUALLy 1603-1868

In 1868 japan became more imperialist and less japanese

So in the Meiji restoration japan wanted to restore the Meiji which are some emperors

And there was this guy called Emperor Komei father of Emperor Meiji

SO they overthrew this Tokugawa Shogunate and became western

The most westernmost point of Japan is hong kong

Hong kong was annexed by the british after the first opium war

During the opium war people got addicted to opium

Opium comes from poppy seeds

“Where poppies grow” is a book about world war 1

Japan was a part of the Entente powers due to their allegiance to britain after the Meiji restoration

The japanese navy took over the german colonies in the pacific

The german colonial empire was situated in africa, papua new guinea and micronesia

The colonies were confiscated in 1919 in the treaty of versailles

Versailles is in france

France controlled korea but japan also took over korea

So spencfur is in korea

North or South?
South korea was annexed by the allies after the surrender of japan and the north was taken by the soviet union

The americans were assisted by the united kingdom

United has the prefix Uni-

Which means union

But the soviet union was a union

So spencer must live on the 38th parallel

That means spencfur is dead