What in my Father’s name did you just say about me, my child? I’ll have you know I ascended to on high by my Grace, and I’ve been involved in numerous salvations in Judea, and I have saved over 300 confirmed souls. I am blessed with heeling touch and I’m the top savior in the entire tribe of Israel. You are nothing to me but just another sinner. I will send you to my Father with Grace the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, heed my words. You think you can get away with forsaking my name across Nazareth? Think again, child. As we speak I am contacting my almighty network of disciples across Bethlehem and your spirit is being tested so you better prepare for judgement, moneylender. The judgement that all great and small things come to in life. You shall be healed. I am he who is called I am and I can save you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just by mine own hands. Not only am I extensively blessed in merciful peace, but I have access to the entire choirs of Angels and I will call upon the Holy Spirit to bring your wretched self to my Father’s house. If only you could know the holy Revelation your life of sin brings upon you, maybe you would have held my hand. But as the camel cannot pass the eye of the needle, you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you know not what you do. I will forgive all of you and you will come to my Grace. Amen, kiddo.