Good evening. I need to bring something to light. I read today some vile accusation regarding the man who engineered this page and it’s success. I also read where folks that should know better instantly and without hesitation or compunction accept as fact and ready to convict without even inquiring as to the veracity of the alleged comment.
Any casual look at what is an obvious photoshopped picture that is barely visible is accompanied by a gross misspelling of the term this group has used since inception. Additionally, the perpetrators did not use Guy’s name as it appears in all his pages, comments and posts. But also don’t see the absurdity of their amateurish fraud.
So, why do I come to Mr. Madsen’s defense. Well because I’ve known him longer than everyone on here with a possible exception of 1 or at most 2 folks. I’ve known him since he was 14 1/2 years old. He was a big young man but not once have I ever heard him cast dispersion on anyone. Not once have I ever seen him bully or disregard the feelings of others. I can say this because I was his teacher and coach in high school and I’m not one who allows any injustice in my sphere. I think 45 years qualifies that.
I won’t belabor his accomplishments but I will say his energy, dddication and support to the page and to the thousands of small businesses has been a resounding success; one with no monetary compensation at all. But we live in a culture that says and does what it wants when it doesn’t get its way. So like so many of the immature comments during a time of crisis to break down what others have built whether a pizza joint or a page. This page is tolerant but has rules. Fact is and the evidence is clear that this group was undermined by former members who decided to take what another man had built and attempt to try and convict with fake evidence and a weak narrative. And by the way while I am Sicilian I am in fact Sicilian Jewish myself. That said, I would be privy to anything Guy says regarding our pages as a moderator.
Don’t believe the lie; there’s way too much of that going on in our beloved country already. I’ll stand with this young man and stand for him. He has never disappointed me in any way morally, legally or ethically. Please make sure you get facts before jumping on a set up bandwagon. Don’t be embarrassed by foolishly assuming anyone is guilty until proven so.
60,000 members is won’t to be jealous of. Jealousy and hatred are the unacceptable consequences your own inadequacy.
Please be mindful that the legal consequences of defamation and slander can be extreme. Young Mr Smollet recently found this out the hard way.
If you feel the group isn’t for you just simply fade out. If you think you can do it better please have at it …. But you won’t be tearing this down. Believe it.
Thank you for reading this and to all good will.