What? You’re a republican? You’re telling me that you aren’t a democrat, but instead you’re a MAGA Nazi troll homophobic child beating white southern racist cringe lord? LMAO!!!!!! Stupid fucking cringe Trump supporting Neanderthal, absolute fool. All of you are the same, evil women haters. Wait, you’re telling me you aren’t a MAGA Nazi troll homophobic child beating white southern racist cringe lord? Stop lying, dummy 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 LMAO you’re not fooling anyone XD. My homie can’t even take proper criticism LMFffAOAOOAOO bro shut the fuck up look up rule number one no MAGA nazi troll homophobic child beating white southern racist cringe lords allowed on this server (BRUH MOMENT) Actually I’m going to report you for hate speech 😜😜🤪🤪🤪 For being such a racist and homophobic infidel. AND STOP TELLING ME YOU’RE NOT..,. haha r/FragileWhiteRedditor moment

You know what? I’m posting this on r/iamatotalpieceofshit and I’m going to leak your IP address for being such a POS. How about you go back to your white southern homophobic southern red states and stop oppressing our freedom of speech. Stupid Fucking Bitch/… BYE!!! dont talk to me again.