Just some not so fun facts about this. The fall that Hajime experienced probably gave him PPA, Primary Progressive Aphasia. It’s a type of degenerative brain disorder that can be caused by FTD (the disease Nagito has), a stroke, or, as we saw here, head trauma. The disorder gradually takes away the patient’s ability to speak and understand other people. They can function normally in everyday life, but they just might be mute. Some cases don’t get as bad as Hajime’s, but he probably hit a really bad part. Also it can get this bad with diseases like FTD, but right now I’m on the topic of Hajime. There is currently no cure for this or FTD so in the end both Nagito and Hajime are doomed in this au. That’s probably why Nagito said what he said at the end of this. Who knows if he would really be able to recover even a bit with his Izuru enhancements, but in the end he chose this specific way so that he wouldn’t be needed at all by anyone other than Nagito. Isn’t it a bit bitter sweet? Oh man I probably killed a lot of boners if this situation hadn’t already killed them.