Hello, I am the person whose post you have linked to. I would like to respectfully ask you to take this post down, frankly, I’d like to take to respectfully ask for the whole subreddit to be taken down, but I know neither things are going to happen. I’m sure many of you still have the attitude that this kind of thing is merely a fun thought experiment, a bit of debate, maybe even a source of entertainment. However, it is far from any of those things.

In the 21st century, ideas have a lot more power than ever due to the presence of technology. They have the power to sway public opinion much more effectively, and such tools are way more accessible. You may find it melodramatic, but posts like these are nothing short of what I’d consider psychotronic warfare. I take this very seriously, many of us do.

When you try to twist our words and broadcast such libel, you are hurting the working class because you are committing an act of psychological warfare against the Revolution. I take it very seriously, and this will not be forgotten. Trust me, we keep tabs on frequent fliers like you, /u/Propertar who have a record for going into our safe spaces, breaking an unspoken trust, and broadcasting posts and comments meant for Leftists for the purpose of rallying people against us and committing libel against us.

This isn’t a joke, this isn’t just some salty Leftist you can laugh at. Fun fact, after the October Revolution, a certain phrase was said and associated with the Cheka.

Все счета будут оплачены

In English, “All accounts will be settled”

In other words, don’t think that your actions, no matter how small, won’t catch up to you. I won’t go into too much detail, but we are definitely keeping a log of all counterrevolutionary transgressions, no matter how small. When the Revolution truly comes in full force, your deeds, and we, will catch up to you. You better hope you at least had enough sense to use a VPN, because it might stall us for a little bit. As the saying goes, ALL accounts will be settled.

Still, it’s more likely than not you’re going to be brought before a Vanguard court, and you better hope they can find some mercy in their heart for you. We don’t have any room for those who have allegiance to the enemies of the workers, enemies of the POC, enemies of women, enemies of the disabled, enemies of the Vanguard. The Revolution will be forever, we. will. not. go. back. and that’s what we’re going to do.

You might want to brush off all of this as the edgelord rantings of some Lefty scum, but I suggest you take them, very, very seriously. Let me tell you in more detail how it’s going to go for you Capitalists after the Revolution. I wouldn’t call the Revolution truly won at that point, I believe that the Revolution could only truly be considered wholly won if full postmodern consciousness has been achieved in all parts of the world. By this, I mean full education and implementation of policies involving class, race, gender, sexuality, ability, and scientific consciousness. In short, a complete upheaval of centuries of bourgeoisie and reactionary contamination across the world, International Revolution. If there are still Capitalists, then the Revolution’s goals have not been achieved. The issue would need to be rectified, one way or another.

In a sense, it is a contradiction to say that there is such a thing as peaceful rebellion for a Capitalist, because they are advocating for an ideology that is fundamentally violent, fundamentally harmful. It does not matter if they are shooting people in the streets or passing around pamphlets, both are violent actions. It is merely a question of the varying severity of violence. By making attempts to reinstate a violent system, they are perpetrators of violence. Therefore, it does not change how I would deal with them. It is very important that we never go back to the days of wage slavery and racism, and I am willing to use any means at my disposal to preserve the Revolution and advance it.

I’ve actually thought of this at length, how I would deal with counterrevolutionary elements after the Vanguard has achieved enough power to begin bringing about full postmodern consciousness. In the first phases, it would be fairly easy to deal with counterrevolutionary elements since there will be plenty of blatant counterrevolutionary paramilitaries still lurking around, they can be eliminated using a mix conventional and counterinsurgency methods. This would be the most straightforward, and perhaps the least morally grey phases of defending the Revolution. It would also be a time of asserting the Vanguard’s legitimacy and willingness to defend its authority and defend the proletariat from counterrevolution.

There would still be plenty of counterrevolutionaries who hide it better, or choose, “Safer” means of opposition. Still, there are obviously factors that would make someone more likely to be a counterrevolutionary than others, such as being white, such as being or associating with former land owners, former law enforcement, former military of the old regime who chose not to fight with the proletariat. My personal policy is that the burden of proof will lay on them to show loyalty to the Vanguard and to the principles of the pursuit of the postmodern, or they will face purging, sentencing to labor camps, etc. Yes, it is a very harsh policy, I acknowledge that, but it is beneficial in the end. Attempts at Revolution that were afraid to use violence have historically failed. It’s either the loss of those who would harm others, or the loss of many more who are Revolutionaries, who could live to see postmodern consciousness emerge, who will birth the next generations who will experience even more victories and even more prosperity. It is important that no one have to live under the tyranny of bourgeoisie or reactionary influences.

I acknowledge that it would be difficult to truly root out every counterrevolutionary, but I have given thought to that as well. This is part of the reason why I advocate for totalitarianism to some extent when it comes to defending the Revolution and establishing postmodern consciousness. There is certainly a risk of the Vanguard becoming degenerated, but I of course have developed countermeasures against even that, which is a story for another time. Totalitarianism, like many things, is a tool, a means to and end. Arguably, totalitarianism is a very risky means to an end, and a morally ambiguous one. However, totalitarianism would perhaps be the most effective way of prevent a counterrevolutionary Blanquist scenario from arising, a counterrevolutionary Deep State, if you will. Surveillance, social engineering, psychotronics, mental orthodoxy, etc. will be, obviously temporary measures to root out any remaining conspirators, hopefully. I would like to go more into detail, but I don’t want to digress too far.

Education will be what eventually allows these Orwellian measures to truly be temporary, and that’s a promise by the way, I have no intentions of locking the proletariat into a controlled environment for longer than is necessary. Education will be the main tool, education of all people in not only academic pursuits, but in the horrors of the times before. The rhetorical and mental destruction of all oppressive institutions and concepts from the next generations; education on the perils of whiteness, of sexism, of the gender binary, of the class system, etc. The totalitarianism part would go hand in hand with this here, social engineering. People will be encouraged to race mix, to form their own nontraditional identities involving their gender, sexuality, and other aspects. In a few generations, there would no need for totalitarianism due to the complete deconstruction, and the arrival of the postmodern consciousness. New generations would further the cause of the Vanguard elsewhere.

In conclusion, that would be how I will deal with these quote on quote, “Peaceful rebels.” Some may consider my methods deeply Orwellian, deeply Draconian, but I assert that they will no doubt still be effective. It is important that we consider the bigger picture, don’t be someone who can’t see the forest for the trees. Remember, there is a world to win, a grand cause that ascends any other consideration. I leave you with that, enemies and future comrades

If you’re still reading thus far, you certainly deserve a bit of recognition for that. Do you know why I am going on this rant? because it is of the utmost vitality that you understand, you all should understand. You should know now that I’m not an idiot, I know what I’m talking about. I’m not crazy, if you can believe it, but I would consider myself a political fanatic. I am very passionate about the cause of Revolution. I am very passionate about the cause of the workers. It is one of my dreams that I will be among the Vanguard when the time comes. I feel, if I can toot my own horn a bit, that I am capable and postmodern conscious enough to do so.

If you’ve made it this far, you deserve a little candor, I frankly am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure my goals. That may sound insane to you, and in the bourgeoisie definition, it is. However, in the true definition, it is not. I am willing to do whatever it takes because I know it is for a greater good. I have trained for the majority of my life in terms of physical, intellectual, spiritual, mental, emotional every part of it I strive to hone for the Revolution. I am a very serious about this, believe it.

Now, onto the actual topic of the post. Despite what people have said here, I don’t think that white people don’t deserve to be in the Revolution, of course not. But I do not want white people who have not abandoned their whiteness and aren’t committed to ending white culture, white institutions, and the physical manifestation of whiteness. I already explained that though, so why don’t we go off into another comment, hm? I’m sure it’ll be good
