Memes exist on an electrical scale. They are transmitted electronically and processed via the biolectric processes in the brain. The smallest time scale that makes sense is plank time, or the amount of time it takes a photon to traverse one plank length of distance.

Memes are constrained by that distance and time. There must also exist a certain amount of dankness that can exist in that brief flash of time and distance.

There is also the Berkenstein Bound, which is the maximum amount of information or energy which can be constrained in a finite amount of space, given non-infinite, or finite energy. If we go beyond the bekenstein bound, physics cease to explain the situation and/or everything gets hidden behind an event horizon or other physical anomaly.

Dankness is a form of information (as is all other descriptors in our universe) which means that if a meme becomes so dank that it surpasses the bekenstein bound, civilization will end in a dank hole.

I propose that the dankest meme will approach a new term that I term “Plank Dank” where that is the most dank that can be transmitted within the conceivable bounds of our universe, unless we divide by zero.
