Guess what u/ INSERT USERNAME , when theres 7.4 billion people living and 100 billion people who have ever lived, crazy things are bound to happen, and you need to learn that not every story that has been published to the world wide web is a lie and infact, crazier things have happened, have you ever heard of the phrase “the truth is stranger then fiction” you probably have, but your fucking retard brain couldn’t remember because your brain never worked hard and couldn’t be bothered to process any information it learned because its lazy, just like your dumbass. whats that? i need to stop shouting? what are you gonna do? cry? piss your pants maybe? go tell mommy? well i’ll tell mommy to go and fuck herself for raising a child into becoming such a retard like you, i wish you were born 80 years earlier into a jewish family who lived in germany so you would be sent to a concentration camp and get gassed to death so the world would have 1 less retard like you. so apologise for being such a retard or shut the fuck up.
