A lot of American women say that they prefer circumcised penises because uncircumcised “look gross” or “look like an anteater” or like a “turtleneck dick”, “smell gross”, “are unhygenic”, “lead to disease and cancer”, “taste gross”, and so many other things. On YouTube, videos with comments from women like these are really common. Living in the US and being uncircumcised, this has absolutely demolished a portion of my self-esteem and contributed to how I feel about women overall. I’m not unhygenic, I shower twice a day, and I don’t think my dick looks that bad.

Imagine, if I said the same things about women’s labia, like how I find large labia disgusting, how I don’t like having to fold back labia in order to go down on them, how their genitalia smell or taste weird and look like roast beef flaps that someone ran over, about how I prefer Innies over the labia like LabiaGW. I would be labeled a misogynist and probably featured on badwomensanatomy. Just to be clear, I don’t think these things, it was an example.

But I guess it’s just double standards, where women can say and demand one thing from a man, but not have that same rule apply to themselves. Imagine if I said, if you’re a woman and you prefer your penises circumcised and think uncuts are disgusting and ugly, consider how your labia look, then get a labiaplasty.